Registrant | Registration |
Here you will be able to search for dentists and registered dental assistants (RDAs) licensed in Nova Scotia.
For RDAs, you will have access to their names and license numbers. For dentists, there will be additional information available including practice addresses and whether they have additional permits to use sedation, administer neuromodulators (e.g., BOTOX®), or use CBCT.
Disciplinary sanctions which have been published on a named basis in accordance with the Dental Act and Discipline Regulations will appear in the dentist’s or RDA’s profile.
All licensed dentists in Nova Scotia are permitted to prescribe/administer minimal oral sedation as a single drug by virtue of their undergraduate dental education. For all other levels of sedation, dentists require a permit and must comply with the PDBNS Standard of Practice for the Use of Sedation and General Anesthesia in Dental Practice .
A dental clinic must have a sedation facility permit for dentists at that clinic to administer sedation. The sedation facility permit level indicates the type(s)
of sedation permitted at that clinic by dentists who have the appropriate sedation permits.
Permit Level 1: Nitrous oxide and oxygen
Permit Level 2: Moderate IV and deep sedation as well as Nitrous oxide and oxygen
Dentists must have a permit to administer neuromodulators (e.g., BOTOX®) or dermal fillers. The various permit levels and are outlined in the PDBNS Standard of Practice for the Use of Botulinum Toxin (Type A) and Esthetic Therapies in Dental Practice .
For dentists to be authorized to prescribe, take, or interpret CBCT images, they must meet specific educational requirements and adhere to the PDBNS Standard of Practice for the Use of Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) in Dental Practice .
It is each registrant’s responsibility to ensure their information is accurate. Registrants can update their information through the profile update located on the registrant portal.
This service is provided to registrants and the public to search for individual professionals they may wish to contact on a professional basis or to verify their status. The information is not to be used for any commercial, marketing, or fundraising purposes.